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Our normal lead times are approximately three weeks. We cut and laminate each custom-sized piece of safety glass by hand. After lamination, there is a 4-day minimum curing process in a climate-controlled room before we are able to start crating the products for shipping.
We accept all major credit cards.
We do not require official POs to place an order. We accept verbal orders with a credit card payment, and ask customers with verbal orders to email us with the exact dimensions, thickness, and quantities that they are purchasing. The sizes listed on either the PO or verbal-order email will be considered the “confirmed sizes”.
We will accept returns for manufacturer defects, which includes delamination or if you receive safety glass that is the incorrect size or thickness compared to the confirmed size on the PO or verbal-order email. In some cases, the resin in-between the glass and Lexan may form one or two tiny bubbles which will not be considered delamination. The bubbles will not compromise the integrity or strength of the piece of safety glass and is merely cosmetic.
If we ship out safety glass that matches the confirmed size on the PO or verbal order and it is too large for the opening of the machine, the only way to cut it to the correct size is to have it water-jetted. If the confirmed size is shipped out and is too small, you would have to submit another order for the corrected size.
We are able to customize the shape of the glass, whether that means making an offset window with Lexan larger than the glass or making a window with radius or clipped corners. In a lot of cases, the radius corners are not necessary and can be eliminated which will save customers the added cost to do so.
Some older machines do not have sufficient frames to accommodate thick safety windows. We have retro-fit frame kits available to modify your existing door to safely accommodate our ballistic quality glass.